Hey, my name is Tiana
I'm a Software

Experience is a tapestry woven with the threads of mistakes.

Minimalist items

About Me

Being a Black woman, a proud member of an underrepresented community, I bring a unique perspective that contributes to the rich tapestry of voices in the tech community.

In my free time, I love building mini Lego sculptures, crafting new things with mixed mediums, and tackling complex Sudoku puzzles.

Tech Stack & Tools

Building a Brand

As the proud owner of a small business based in Seattle, WA, I am committed to pushing the boundaries of creativity through innovative designs using mixed mediums, including clothing, home goods, and more. Infused with passion and commitment to sustainability, diversity, and inclusion are intrinsic to every piece. Each creation is thoughtfully shaped with these fundamental values, embracing and celebrating the beauty of diversity.


With experience building 100 + applications and contributions to a handful of real-world applications, here a few projects that I enjoy most.

Cleo | Front-End Capstone

My front-end Capstone represents a pivotal achievement, marking the initial major milestone in my journey as a Software Developer. This React.js application is not only powered by a JSON server for seamless CRUD operations but is also aesthetically elevated through the use of thoughtfully designed vanilla CSS, ensuring a polished and user-friendly interface.


In my previous role, I effectively applied the skills acquired at Nashville Software School, demonstrating my full-stack capabilities by making impactful contributions to the NSS LMS. This entailed not only improving the user experience for students but also constructing new scalable features to benefit teachers.

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VWH Consultancy Site

I am currently collaborating with a friend, acquiring expertise in utilizing TypeScript and react-spring to revamp and introduce dynamic elements to VWH Consultancy website.



Personalizing your workspace
As a young woman, my mind is racing at too many speeds per minute. Some of the ways that I have been able to reel myself into my work-from-home space have been through cultivating a setting that captures my attention from every angle. Of course, there are many other things I'd love to have at my desk but for others like me, I condensed some of my current clutter into a little article in hopes it will be helpful to them.
While I work toward my 200YTT (yoga teacher training) certification, I reflect on the impact yoga has had on both my personal and professional journey. This practice has not only redirected my life but has also fueled my aspiration to extend my skills to underserved communities. I look forward to making this knowledge someday more accessible and, simultaneously, challenging prevailing Western perceptions of yoga.

Let's chat! I love connecting with people, we can grab a coffee (virtually or locally) and discuss the volatile tech market or explore lucrative business ideas.